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Backtracks After Throwing Dustin Under The Bus

BradEllis Leaves Easy Allies for New Opportunity

Backtracks After Throwing Dustin Under the Bus

Easy Allies Rebooting Company in 2024

Easy Allies co-founder Brad Ellis is officially leaving the company for an unspecified new opportunity. The announcement was made on the company's official subreddit, where Ellis said that he will be leaving at the end of the year. Ellis did not disclose what his new opportunity will be, but he did say that he is "excited" about it.

Easy Allies is a video game-focused media company that was founded in 2010. The company produces a variety of content, including podcasts, videos, and written articles. Ellis has been with Easy Allies since its inception, and he has been a key part of the company's success.

Ellis's departure comes at a time when Easy Allies is undergoing a major reboot. The company announced in January that it will be converting to a part-time operation in 2024. Ellis said that he is not leaving because of the reboot, but he did say that he believes it is the right time for him to move on.

Easy Allies has not yet announced who will replace Ellis, but the company said that it will be conducting a search for a new co-founder.
